Shipping policy

Prices, Shipping & Product Information.

The product information displayed on this site is provided to us in regular intervals by approved partners.  Unfortunately there can sometimes be delays and information such as prices or stock levels can become out of date.  To ensure our users are not miss-informed of the latest shipping prices, durations and offers we currently advise to always double-check with the partners website directly.

How To Find latest Shipping information:

On Kurlective:

Every product page you will find a button that links you directly to the partners website to get the latest product detail information.  By clicking through you will find the latest prices, stock status, offers and shipping details.   We aim to help all our user discover the latest trends and reliable partners to buy from using data, we hope in the future that we can extend this service to make this even easier to access this information. 

Using Search Engine:

Kurlective provides the partners name wherever a product is listed.  Copy and Paste the seller into your favourite search engine with the addition of any further information you are specifically looking for.  (e.g. Kidly Shipping cost, Mumbai Lads delivery information)

We are working on a new way to automate this information to improve the experience and will let members know as soon as this has been released. contains affiliate links to products which means we may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.